Trump ‘you just don’t understand’ Vice President Kamala Harris

By Vivian Summers

‘Nasty,’ ‘Vicious,’ ‘Monster’: Social Media Celeb Jameliah Gooden Claps Back at Stereotypes Aimed at Black Women…

Former President Donald Trump, known for his sharp tongue, has been quick to throw insults at Vice President Kamala Harris, referring to her as “nasty,” “vicious,” “horrible” and a “monster” in light of her recent presidential endorsement by President Joe Biden.

But social media celebrity and best-selling author Pastor Jameliah Gooden has clapped back, explaining that as a Black woman, Harris is none of these things — she’s simply misunderstood.

“What many see as aggression or meanness or nastiness is what others might call assertion or drive,” Gooden said. She writes at length about this subject in her popular self-help memoir, The Death of the Angry Black Woman, which explores stereotypes placed upon Black women, where those stereotypes come from and how society can overcome them.

“As Black women, we have to fight twice as hard to get where we are,” Gooden said. “We have to be assertive. And men do this all the time. They’re assertive too. But unfortunately, there is a negative stereotype surrounding the ‘angry Black woman.’ People are intimidated when we assert ourselves, and that can be misconstrued.”

Gooden hopes that by better understanding these stereotypes and how they came to be, society will learn to look past fallacious labels and misconceptions. At the same time, Gooden hopes to be a voice for Black women who, in a society that continues to marginalize them, often have a lot of reasons to be angry.

“Many Black women come from backgrounds of abuse, mistreatment or violence –– and they become fighters. Through my book, I hope to be that voice in their head, the one we all hear but rarely acknowledge, encouraging them to move on, let go of anger, reject hateful labels, embrace their powerful femininity and live the life God intended them to live.” Gooden’s messages reflect her passion for helping women toss anger to the curb and chuck false labels. Because while we can’t change history, we can create a stronger future.

Jameliah Gooden and her husband, Fred, are pastors at Unity Church of Charlotte in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is also the host of the world-renowned Facebook Live show Car Chronicles Movement, with over 500,000 followers.

You can find the Goodens together on Facebook for their Coupling series, where they discuss solutions for maintaining healthy relationships. Gooden’s bestselling self-help book, The Death of the Angry Black Woman, addresses the stereotypes Black women face and uncovers the seeds that lead many to live anger-filled lives.

Her second bestseller, A Needle in a Haystack: How to Find Love in the Rubble, helps individuals find their perfect mates and form real and lasting partnerships. Her most recent release, The Pocket Book: A Small Book of Powerful Posts, shares how to connect with your online audience in a more meaningful and authentic way.

Find Gooden online at

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